Quick Update

Now that the site is live I wanted to give everyone a quick update on what I’ve been up to.

First and foremost, I want to let everyone know that you can play my game Artswiper right now! It is a small minesweeper inspired game that I made with my brother last month. The game isn’t completely finished yet so feel free to let me know if you find any glaring issues. Please excuse the programmer artwork, I did it myself and I am well, a programmer.

Before deciding to make Artswiper, my brother and I had been working on an adventure game. I don’t want to give too many details right now but we made a basic prototype of the game in Unity. As the scope of the project started to explode we decided to put it on hold to give my brother a bit of experience with the entire game making process. We wanted to spend a few weeks making a small game completely from scratch and so that’s what we did. It has been a great learning experience for the both of us but we are anxious to get back to our main project now.

We made the decision to switch development of the game from Unity over to Unreal. I am currently in the process of converting most of what we had in the prototype over to the new engine. When I have a working build of the prototype running in Unreal I will make another post to show some of my progress.