Ludum Dare #39

Tonight kicks off the 39th Ludum Dare contest. Ludum Dare is an online game jam where you have to create a game from scratch over the course of a weekend. I have decided to participate in the Compo portion of the contest where I will have to create a game entirely by myself in only 48 hours. This includes all of the programming, artwork, sound and music. Game engines are allowed though so I plan to use Unity. The contest officially kicks off at 7pm mdt with the announcement of a theme that everyone will have to design around.

This will be my first time doing anything like this so I have no idea how things will end up but I am excited to see what I can do. On Sunday night I will upload my game here on the site for anyone to play so please check back then. I will also be playing a ton of games that others create for the contest so I will post some of my favorites here!

Good luck to all of the contestants!